According to Kidscreen, the FF9 animated series will be a collaboration between Square Enix and Paris-based Cyber Group Studios. The latter will be producing the show, as well as handling worldwide distribution, licensing and merchandise. That last one is a little strange, though it could mean new sets of collectibles in addition to what Square Enix has already made.
— Sunil Godhania (@SunGod87) June 21, 2021 The report also states that production will begin in earnest either by the end of 2021 or early 2022. Episode count and length have not been finalised either. But Cyber Group Studios is making the FF9 TV show with children aged between eight and 13 in mind. As far as Final Fantasy games go, Final Fantasy IX is probably one of the better ones to be adapted for kids, considering its more cartoon-ish aesthetic. As mentioned earlier, there haven’t been many animated series based on the Final Fantasy series. The most recent is probably the 2016 Brotherhood Final Fantasy XV series, which serves as the prequel to the game. Then there was Final Fantasy: Unlimited from all the way back in 2001, the plot of which was not completed. (Source: Kidscreen via TechRadar. Image: Steam)