From the looks of it, the game comes with a pair of accessories, a ring and a leg strap. Both accessories have a slot where you slot in a Joy-Con controller and work in sync to get a picture of your whole body movement. The game itself is not your typical exercise game either; instead of performing the usual fare fitness activities and games, players will instead performs activities to defeat their enemies and an “evil body-building dragon”. Breaking it down, the IR camera on the right Joy-con that is slotted into the Ring-con will work as a heart rate monitor when the game is running. The Ring-con is flexible to support different types of routine and can be adjusted according to a player’s strength. Speaking of which, when it comes to in-game combat, players can choose the kind of exercise they prefer. Each exercise focusing on different areas of the body. To mix it up for players, Nintendo has made sure that some enemies in Ring Fit Adventure are weaker to specific workout routines, ensuring you to get an overall exercise rather than focusing on a certain body part. As the game advances, players will unlock harder exercise routines or a combination of a few exercises at once. Of course, it’s just not a Nintendo title without the presence of mini-games; in this case, these mini-games exist for players who’re just looking for a something to do but don’t actually want to advance the story.
Ring Fit Adventure will be available from 18 September onwards in the US. The game will retail for US$79.99 (~RM333). At the time of writing, there’s still no word about local availability for the game. (Source: TechCrunch // Images: Nintendo)